Friday May 03, 2024


November 19, 2018

Parliament is a sacred institution and it is the responsibility of parliamentarians to uphold the sanctity of the institution. It is the parliament that provides a platform to government representatives and members of the opposition to discuss national issues in a healthy manner. But over the last couple of months, it has been observed that politicians have been disturbing the environment of the institution. Instead of engaging in intelligent and meaningful debates, politicians are involved in hurling allegations at each other. Sometimes, the situation is escalated to such an extrent that both the chairman of the Senate and the speaker of the NA are unable to control the situation and resume the sessions.

It is important for members of the Senate and the NA to realise that such fights will not result into anything. All matters should be discussed in a civil manner. Government representatives should also pay attention to criticism and work on the areas that need improvements. The ongoing environment requires senior politicians to intervene to restore order. The chairman of the Senate and the speaker of the National Assembly must come up with a pragmatic approach to put the business of parliament back on track.

Aamir Khan Wagan



The code of conduct of parliamentarians in the National Assembly and the Senate has been unsatisfactory. To say that these prestigious institutions are turned into fish markets will be an understatement. Politicians from the ruling and opposition parties are involved in mudslinging and using unparliamentary languages.

Such behaviour has damaged the parliamentary environment. Politicians from the ruling party blame the opposition for using indecent language, while the opposition blames government representatives for disturbing the environment. Politicians need to show civility.

Muhammad Aqil Khan Rokhri
