Friday May 17, 2024

A better way

December 21, 2022

As educators and parents, we want the best for our students and children. We want them to succeed in school and in life, and we want them to be well-equipped to navigate an increasingly complex and changing world. But it seems that the way we approach education may be holding them back. In recent years, there has been a growing concern that our education system is becoming more focused on memorization rather than understanding. Students are expected to memorize and regurgitate vast amounts of information, rather than truly grasping and applying the concepts and ideas being taught. But is this the best approach?

Research has shown that memorization is a shallow form of learning, and that it does not lead to long-term retention of information. On the other hand, understanding, which involves actively engaging with and applying knowledge, leads to more meaningful and lasting learning. Furthermore, this emphasis on memorization stifles creativity and critical thinking skills, which are essential for success in the real world. In today’s rapidly changing environment, it is not enough to simply recall facts and figures. We need individuals who can think critically and creatively, and who can apply their knowledge to solve complex problems.

Muhammad Aaraif Hanif
