
It all starts with your attitude

By R. Khan
Tue, 07, 18

There are times when our spirits dip and we find ourselves down in the dumps....

mental health

There are times when our spirits dip and we find ourselves down in the dumps. It’s not something anyone is particularly happy or proud about, but it’s something even the most optimistic among us experience. We all have good days and bad days as part of the ebb and flow of life. Here are some ways to stay motivated even when the chips are down...

Gratitude: A great starting point is gratitude. Gratitude allows us to see the glass half full by reinforcing the positive aspects of our lives. Make a gratitude list of all that is good in your life all the things that you can truly say you are grateful for. Your family, your friends, your health, your limbs, your sight etc. You will find when you start to do this it is very difficult to be unhappy or depressed when you realise that you have so much to be thankful for. But most of us tend to take our many blessings for granted. It’s a precious privilege just to be alive and able to breathe in life.

Listen: Sometimes the best way to get yourself out of the dumps is to hear someone else talk about how they got themselves out. Like with reading materials, there are seemingly infinite resources on the interweb that do this very thing. As humans, we don’t always like to admit when we need help. This is the beauty in podcasts or online content. It puts you in the conversation without having to feel exposed. If you’re going through a bad break-up, or just lost your job, or just feel generally crappy, hearing the stories of others is, one of the best ways to get yourself out of it. In hearing their stories, you realize that everyone has struggles, that you’re not alone.

Stop playing victim: We do it all the time, very often without realising; I was late because of the traffic. I got angry because he led me to it. I shouted because they were bold, I would exercise daily but I’m too tired when I get home from a hard day at the office. I am perfect but all that surrounds me prevents me from doing what I would really like to do. STOP, if you really want to be happy you can no longer play the victim of circumstance. You need to take responsibility for your life and stop blaming others. Try it you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve.

Avoid negativity around you: You should make a conscious effort to avoid anything negative. Do not watch negative news on TV, don’t watch sad or depressing movies or documentaries. Don’t read anything sad. Make absolutely sure you don’t associate or tolerate being around any negative mean or toxic people, they are simply Energy Sucking Vampires. Instead, surround yourself with people who are positive influences. Expand your circle to include people who are further ahead in personal and professional development than you are.

Be positive... Keep moving forward - One way of getting motivated when the chips are down is to take action. Ask yourself, what can you do to move forward? Even a small step is a step that can help. Moving forward has a healing power for your life. As Martin Luther King once said “If you can’t fly, then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.” Take a “this too shall pass” perspective: Think about this - that times may be tough now, but think about the fact that this time will pass and someday it won’t be as hard.

Let go of anger, resentment, and judgment: Hanging on to negative emotions like anger or resentment will drain your energy and hinder you from moving forward. The best way to let go of these emotions is to fully acknowledge the feelings associated with the initial negative experience. Honor those feelings and let them go as they no longer serve you; replace them with something positive. You can still hold on to the lessons learned from the initial negative experience.

Take responsibility for your own life: Focus your attention on what you can control: your thoughts, your actions, your behaviour, your emotional state, and your daily actions and activities. You’re the steward of your own life, solely responsible for the results and experiences you create. Taking ownership and responsibility for your own life is a freedom and tremendous privilege.

Take care. Slow down and take some deep, focused breaths, which will help you become more grounded and bring your stress levels down. Some other ways to nurture yourself could be: a warm bath, schedule a massage, get some extra rest, cosy up with a good book, or maybe just make some time for yourself to sit and relax with a cup of tea. The point is to honour yourself and your body and practice some good self-care when you need it the most.

REMEMBER: There are times in life that are better than others. One of the keys to getting your spirits back up is to remember just that. When you’re feeling down, remember that you’ve been there before and remember that you’ve gotten yourself back up. Remember that this is one of the cycles of life. It’s impossible for things to be great all the time. You need to experience the negatives to be able to recognise the positives.