Today, a number of people depend on homoeopathic treatment around the world....
World Homeopathy Day is celebrated on April 10 every year. This day aims at marking the importance of homeopathy and its contributions to traditional medicine. This day also honours the memory of Dr Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann - the founder of homeopathy. Homeopathy comes from the Greek words ‘homeo’ and ‘pathos’. Homeo means similar and pathos means suffering or disease. Homoeopathy is one of the alternative disciplines of medicine that generally works by triggering the healing responses of the patient’s own body. It believes that any sickness can be cured by inducing symptoms similar to it through doses of natural ingredients. Today, a number of people depend on homoeopathic treatment around the world.
Homeopathy remedies are made with natural ingredients since they come from plants, minerals, or animals. To determine a treatment for a person, not only will a homeopath consider detailed pathology but also all of the person’s symptoms including physical, mental, or emotional. This is one of the things that make a difference between traditional medicine and homeopathy - as homeopaths hold long consultations lasting at least an hour with their patients.
A basic belief behind homeopathy is ‘like cures like’ (The Law of Similars). In other words, something that brings on symptoms in a healthy person can - in a very small dose - treat an illness with similar symptoms. This is meant to trigger the body’s natural defences. For example, red onion makes your eyes water. That’s why it’s used in homeopathic remedies for allergies.
Homeopaths believe that the lower the dose, the more powerful the medicine. In fact, many of these remedies no longer contain any molecules of the original substance. They come in a variety of forms, like sugar pellets, liquid drops, creams, gels, and tablets.
During your appointment, a homeopath will ask a number of questions about your mental, emotional, and physical health. They’ll prescribe the remedy that best matches all of your symptoms. Then they’ll tailor the treatment for you.
Homeopathy is an effective alternative to antibiotics in infectious diseases, producing no toxic side effects and bringing about rapid recovery - according to studies. Homeopathic treatments addresses disease at the root level, hence enhancing resistance to disease. Some proven methods and ingredients that address different problems are:
Ginger tea - Ginger has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that help kill bacteria and reduce pain, thus helping to flush out bacteria and alleviate the most bothersome symptoms of a UTI.
Parsley water - Parsley is an antioxidant and diuretic. Simply boil a pot of water, allow the plant leaves to infuse the water for 10 minutes, and then strain them out. The drink will help increase the sodium you’re excreting, in turn causing you to pee more and flush out the bacteria.
Flaxseed oil and Orange juice - Maximise your fibre intake while simultaneously increasing your bowel movements by adding flaxseed to your orange juice. The pulp in your OJ is high in fibre, and the oil coats the walls of your intestine and increases the number of bowel movements you have each day.
Peppermint oil - Smelling peppermint oil is said to reduce nausea and morning sickness in pregnant women.
Jojoba oil - Though called an ‘oil’, jojoba oil is actually a liquid wax that is easily absorbed into the skin. It is commonly used to help alleviate eczema flare-ups.
• Not only is homeopathy a science but it is also an art.
• According to homeopathy, the body heals itself. By helping the patient to reach a higher level of health, homeopathy helps the body heal by itself.
• Homeopaths train for several years. Homeopathic practitioners train for five and a half years in Physiology and Anatomy, as well as Materia Medica, Pathology and Disease, Homeopathic Repertory, and Homeopathic Philosophy.
• Homeopathy is a recognised science. In 2005, the World Health Organization brought out a report that showed homeopathy was beneficial, causing panic among ‘Big Pharma’.
• Queen Elizabeth II believed in homeopathy. She used to take her homeopathic vials of medicine before traveling anywhere, the Royal Family of Europe also uses homeopathic remedies.
• Homeopathy has a long standing healing tradition and is now the most popular holistic therapy worldwide.
• Homeopathy is an alternative medicine based on the theory of treating ‘like with like’.
• Homeopathy claims to stimulate healing responses to diseases by administering substances that mimic the symptoms of those diseases in healthy people.
• The effectiveness of homeopathic preparations is disputed within medical science.
• You should never stop taking conventional drugs without the knowledge and approval of your doctors.