
Beat the heat

By Memoona Mukhtar
Fri, 06, 24

Five refreshing drinks to try this summer ....

Beat the heat


The scorching sun sends the temperatures soaring in Asian countries, especially Pakistan, making summer the season in which one has to remain hydrated to beat the heat.

Here are five refreshing drinks to keep you cool and refreshed this summer.


Lemonade is the perfect drink to beat the heat. It regulates the body temperature and quenches thirst and hunger in the hot weather. Lemon acts as an antioxidant. A glass of lemon drink after a hectic day at college or office will not only refresh your body but also protect you from heat stroke.

Apricot juice

Apricot season is here and you should never forget to drink its juice in summer. Apricots are a rich source of water and thus keep your body hydrated in high temperatures. According to research, apricot is a source of antioxidants (including beta carotene and vitamins A, C, and E) which protect the body from harmful effects of free radicals. It is also good for gut health and prevents constipation.

Mint lemonade

Mint keeps the body hydrated and also has anti-inflammatory properties. You can easily grow it at home. It also protects the skin from sunburn. Combined with lemon, it makes a great drink, and is a sure way to beat the heat. Lemon enhances its taste and benefits.

Mango juice

Mango season is coming and they will bring sweetness with them. We commonly use mangoes in ice creams, milkshakes, and smoothies. Mangoes also contain antioxidants and hydrating properties. You can have a smoothie in the morning and milkshakes in the evening.

Rooh Afza or Jam-e-Shirin

You can try either Rooh Afza or Jam-e-Shirin. Both are refreshing drinks and easily available from grocery stores. Adding ice cubes to these drinks will cool your body.

In short, in the summer season, drink plenty of water and juices and try to protect yourselves from sunlight. Keep an umbrella or cap with you to protect your skin from sunburn. And enjoy the summer by discovering different juices and smoothies.

Happy summer season to all the readers!