
US Mail

By US Desk
05 April, 2024

In last week’s issue (22 March), the cover story ‘Exploring Ramazan traditions across the world, was very interesting....

US Mail


Dear Ed,

In last week’s issue (22 March), the cover story ‘Exploring Ramazan traditions across the world, was very interesting. I liked some of the traditions like haq al lail and the Mahya messages. ‘Cinema Scope’ is a good section, too, and I hope to see it regularly. I loved the back cover! The picture of Masjid e Aqsa brought home the dire situation of the Palestinian people. On the whole, it was a good issue.

Daniya Asghar, Karachi

Hey Ed,

I am a new reader. My father makes me read Us because he says it is good for my general knowledge, and he even discusses some write-ups with me. I usually find the magazine either interesting or informative. Some stories are good because they explore serious issues, but I think that is all right as long as the issue also includes fun stuff to balance intimidating information. I love reading books, and I feel book reviews are few and far between, and I would really like to read interviews of new books.

Areeba Arif, Lahore

A request for empathy

Dear Editor,

In this blessed and holy month, I would like to request my fellow youth to share their blessings with the ones less fortunate. I see hordes of food delivery guys in my neighbourhood both at iftari and sehri times and cannot help thinking of people who cannot even afford to have a decent meal. I think for every time we have food delivered, we should give food to someone needy. This practice should be continued even after Ramazan. It can be servants, guards in the neighbourhood or maybe relatives who are not well-off.

Saher Hamza, Karachi


Lubna Khalid


Sameen Amer

Us Magazine, 5th Floor, Al Rahman Building, I.I.Chundrr Road, Karachi, Pakistan.

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Word count for one page is 550-650; for two pages, 1000-1100; for three pages, 1500-1800