
US Mail

By US Desk
Fri, 12, 23

when I got married a year ago, my sisters-in-law gave me such a ribbing that I went bonkers!

US Mail


Dear Ed,

I loved Call me by my nickname by Sameen Amer (24 November), but I have to point out one thing: not all children get to have cute nicks. Some, like me, end up with such embarrassing nicknames that they have to take firm measures to get rid of them. Can you believe I got stuck with ‘Jugnu’, and when I got married a year ago, my sisters-in-law gave me such a ribbing that I went bonkers!

By the way, I didn’t like the pictures of Sudais Khan in Us Talk section. The guy is very good looking but the pictures did not do justice to him. Ed, I think in Us Talk, you should give space to talented sportsmen also.

Arham A, Karachi

Hello Editor,

I am a fan of Amna Ameer, and really liked ‘Picture perfect’ (24 November). I am also happy to note that Mashaal Farid has been appearing on and off in Poets’ Corner after a long hiatus. The new poets I like are Zahra Zafar and Abid Agha. Please convey my appreciation to all the poets who are featured in Poets’ Corner. Oh, another request: please re-start Us on Campus; I used to love it.

Yamin Kazmi, Lahore

Hello Editor,

In this week’s issue of Us, I loved the cover story Movies that clicked in 2023 by Fatima Zakir (1 December). Also, Muhammad Omar Iftikhar’s story in the same issue, The spectacle of the 2023 Cricket World Cup was very interesting. I read it with sadness, though, as our team did not make us proud this time. I also liked Potpourri section in the issue of 24 November.

Muhammad Khizer Nadeem, Karachi


Lubna Khalid


Sameen Amer

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