I would like to highlight a pressing issue that is affecting the health and academic performance of our students - food at school cafeterias....
Dear Editor,
I would like to highlight a pressing issue that is affecting the health and academic performance of our students - food at school cafeterias.
Unfortunately, many schools, including mine, often have canteens filled with junk food and sugary drinks, which pose serious risks to the students’ well-being, both physical and mental.
Research indicates that students who maintain healthy nutritional habits exhibit better test scores and overall academic performance compared to those with unhealthy eating habits.
It is essential that school authorities be directed to reconsider the choices that are made available in school canteens and provide healthier options. Schools can easily promote healthier eating habits among students by encouraging them to bring snacks from home
Amina Amjid, Turbat
Dear Ed,
It was bittersweet to bid goodbye to The Eid Engagement and Other Weddings by Iqra Asad. The last episode (25 August issue) was superb because it was a happy ending! The lesson I took away from this story is that girls should be given choices, and they should be able to fight their own battles. The best thing for me was that the problems never became too intense.
Ed, there is so much unhappiness around that I simply don’t want to see it reflected in books and dramas. If that makes me a coward, I guess I am guilty. But I would love to see more light stuff in the mag. I also miss the original art work on the back cover!
Sarah Khan, Karachi
Lubna Khalid
Sameen Amer
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Word count for one page is 550-650; for two pages, 1000-1100; for three pages, 1500-1700