
US Mail

By US Desk
31 March, 2023

The end of the story was good and well-written. The poetry section was a fun read as always; SK is doing a good job, as always....

US Mail


Hi Ed,

Us magazine’s issue of this week was interesting. I read the cover story, He shoots dead people and click. Click by Lubna Jerar Naqvi first and I admit that I was a bit agitated because the mother was forcing her child to attend his birthday party against his will. I felt frustrated because I was an introverted kid myself and never wanted or liked attention on me, and birthday parties are still a big no for me. So, I can relate with that kid and understand his reluctance. The end of the story was good and well-written. The poetry section was a fun read as always; SK is doing a good job, as always.

Asma Majid, Lahore

Hello Ed,

I have been reading Us for a few years, although I am quite grown up. I think the content has become somewhat serious. Potpourri is a good addition, and I enjoyed it in this week’s issue (17 March), and I also found He shoots dead people and click. Click by Lubna Jerar Naqvi hilarious. I would love to see something on fashion trends before Eid. Keep up the good work, Team Us, please continue to provide us with articles that are worth reading.

Zahra N. Siddiqui, Karachi

Dear Editor,

I wait for Fridays because of Us magazine. My favourite sections in the mag are Comic Relief and My teenage years. I like poetry but sometimes poems are so complicated I don’t understand what the poet actually means. I also miss Us on Campus issues. Great work, Ed.

Zia Faroqui, Hyderabad


Lubna Khalid


Sameen Amer

Us Magazine, 5th Floor, Al Rahman Building, I.I.Chundrigar Road, Karachi, Pakistan.

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