Money Matters

A leader’s desired characteristics

By Sirajuddin Aziz
Mon, 08, 22

Perhaps, if any follower of a leader, corporate or otherwise, was asked, of what they expect to see in a leader; their wish list would possibly require the descent of an angel from the Gardens of Eden. No human with blood running (this is important because in the human species, some have cold or even frozen blood in their veins, that remains immune to human sentiments and emotions) can meet the entire spectrum of desired traits.

A leader’s desired characteristics

Perhaps, if any follower of a leader, corporate or otherwise, was asked, of what they expect to see in a leader; their wish list would possibly require the descent of an angel from the Gardens of Eden. No human with blood running (this is important because in the human species, some have cold or even frozen blood in their veins, that remains immune to human sentiments and emotions) can meet the entire spectrum of desired traits.

On a lowered scale of estimation, where the human has no angelic qualities, it is easier to assess and evaluate, what characteristics must necessarily find reflection in the personality of the corporate leader. While my list could be endless and also be extremely exhaustive, however; for the purposes of this piece, I shall restrict the number of personality traits to a maximum of ten. The order may be questionable, but its presence is an absolute necessity, to qualify as a leader.

These characteristics have both large scale flexibility and strictly binding limitations. Some can be stretched, while others must remain in a water tight compartment with no quality of malleability. Principles of social behaviour, personal values, etc, coupled with corporate objectives of growth and profitability usually form the bedrock from which these characteristics emerge. Most psychologists believe that the nature of a child (man) is built and firmed up in the first five years, following the first cry. Upbringing involves besides parents, siblings, family, friends--- the teachers at school, college and university. Post the kindergarten level, the teachers and professors, influences to augment the goodness imbibed by parents and initial teachers or to stunt any negatives that may have mushroomed around the individual. No parent teaches a child to be a bad person. All learning processes are meant to result in goodness of attitude and behaviour.

Psychologists believe that those who can harness the vices and instead provoke more their inherent or acquired virtues, will develop into personalities, whose mind will be a temple of serenity and calmness, resulting in the formation of a habit to only doing the right thing. Anything, in concept or action, that is inconsistent with the acceptable framework of response, will remain a major aversion to such an individual. They will not be seen near any action that is not within the ambit of legality. To be corrupt requires courage and effort to abandon the naturally gifted goodness.

The characteristics that follow will be in the domain of self disciplinng traits, virtues of conscientiousness and about attitude relating to interaction with others, on an emotional plane. These qualities, if found in the corporate leader (in fact, any leader) can result in both individual and corporate success. The presence or lack of these, will either increase or decrease, follower ship to ideas, targets, goals and objectives.


Fundamentally, this is the edifice upon which is dependent the development of other positive faculties. What is bred in the bone will come out in the flesh. In the building of character, the imperative need to learn from reading books, meeting people who are wise and associating with those who are renowned for their impeccable character, is something that must receive due attention. There can be no flexibility when it comes to good character. The rivers and mountains can be changed in their course and location but character cannot be displaced. As managers and leaders we demonstrate our character by exemplary management of self. The ability to passively handle anxiety, emotions, and tense situations are critical elements of a formidable character.

Honesty and integrity are cardinal elements that describe a character. Unimpeachable standards of honesty and integrity must remain pronounced in thought and action. Integrity transcends beyond financial prosperity, it includes moral and intellectual honesty too. Leaders with strong character are able to command with ease, they need no crutches of power. Character is intrinsic to each, those disposed of goodness of its goodness, usually are bad, uncouth and intemperate supervisors. When the grounding is weak, the personality will have flaws. No wonder high buildings have deep foundations; and similarly to the contrary, ill character will reflect itself, for no leopard has been able to change its spots or the wolf even though would have lost its teeth, but never does it lose its nature.


A leader must have a dream, a hope, a destination to sell; he has to be a merchant of distributing conviction. There has to be a game plan, developed to implement. Leaders have to be both, thinkers and doers. A leaders job is to convert the “will do” people to “can do” individuals and teams. No aimless wandering, but instead have a pre chalked plan to move forward. Leadership cannot be nomadic in either philosophy or its implementation. Precise has to be the aims and objectives.

Willing to learn

Leaders cannot be Mr. Know-All’s. They must be humble to know that not everything is within their abilities to conduct. They have to depend on seeking inputs from others, willingly. The ability to absorb new knowledge is a prerequisite. Leaders must possess flexibility to de-learn and relearn. The acquisition of fresh knowledge should be their quest.

Open and accountable

Many a times, leaders / managers are so impetuously consumed with the notion that only their opinion is not only correct, but that there cannot be another opinion on any given subject. They with obstinacy stick to their views... “this is the way I have always done in the past and this is the way, we shall do it,” is their management mantra. They hate to be challenged. A wise leader always welcomes criticism. They have the tenacity to be challenged. Their actions are open for scrutiny and discussion. Those with openness of mind allow themselves to be corrected. Fresh input they do not stifle. Instead they make themselves available for strict accountability for their views and actions. This is accompanied by a willingness to amend and alter.

When the grounding is weak, the personality will have flaws. No wonder high buildings have deep foundations; and similarly to the contrary, ill character will reflect itself, for no leopard has been able to change its spots or the wolf even though would have lost its teeth, but never does it lose its nature 


Leaders must not be unintelligible in either giving directions or in conversations. They must be clear and precise in all formats of communications. No room for creating cobwebs of misunderstanding by way of unclear and unintelligent communications. The two way communications between the leader and the followers must fulfil the test that of the message intended is the message extracted by the recipient. Clarity and precision in communications are hallmarks of a good leader.

Relationship management

Leaders must recognise the value of developing and maintaining relationships with both internal and external clients. Internal clientele represents colleagues at the work place and external customers are domiciled in the market place. The job of a manager / leader is to harmonise the divide that may be subsisting in the hierarchy. Excellent leaders know how to harmonise rather than divide. Intelligent leaders promote collaborative effort, without losing the competitive spirit.

Time management

Time does both things, it either devours all efforts or it cures all things. An inch of gold cannot buy an inch of a time. Time is a precious resource, so its allocation is part of critical management. Leaders must know time spent in folly is doubly lost. Leaders must not only respect time in terms of relevance to themselves but also to the opposing counterparts. The diary must be well planned. Frequent changes to the routine must be avoided. If you show respect to time, there is no way that colleagues wouldn't show respect to the leader's time.

Problem solver

Whilst it is good for managers to react with remarks like, “don’t bring problems to my desk, instead tell me what alternative solutions you have”, on many occasions such provocation helps, it drives the individual to wear his thinking hat, to analyse the situation. But if this reaction becomes a norm with the leader / manager, then it can pose serious problems in the running of the daily grind. Leaders essentially are expected to be both knowledgeable and tactful in resolving issues. Even if they do not directly possess in depth understanding of the problem, they ought to demonstrate their management capability to put together a team of subject matter experts, who can provide multiple solutions, but the ultimate decision of choosing between alternatives must be seen to be done by the leader, despite inadequate knowledge. Leaders are problem solvers not problem creators. I have witnessed many managers being the problem themselves; the ego doesn't permit acceptance of new ways to look at regular problems. In such situations, the correction must take place at the management level and not at the operating level.


Leader has to be result oriented. The milestones must be posted with clarity and passing the milestone should be pronounced and made known to all those involved in the task. Nothing inspires better than success. Leader can alter the route or the timing for achievement, but the destination cannot be abandoned, unless there was a miscalculation of the destination itself or the destination intended was unrealistic and unachievable from its inception. The difference between Napoleon of Marengo and Napoleon of Waterloo, is the critical mistake made by the leader of choosing to attack Moscow at the height of severe winters...he met his Waterloo. Strange that Adolf Hitler, made the same mistake 100 plus years later. The end was the same. Leaders can move to do wonders in achieving if the pursuit is noble; otherwise nature intervenes to stop injustice and indiscretion.

Good followers

Can anyone imagine leadership without the leader being a good follower himself / herself.? No, it makes no sense to have in a team, Robin Hood and his merry men! The objective of all action has to be noble. While The Sherwood Forest King, had goodness at his heart, but in doing so, and in that enactment he ceased to be a good follower to social norms and demands of justice. Richard Nixon, who perhaps was one of the finest President of the USA, had to resign to avoid impeachment, because he failed to meet the test of standards set for the office of Presidency. Leadership status is best acquired through good follower ship. The following doesn't necessarily have to be to an individual or group of people; it can be to ideology, processes, systems, rules, regulations and laws. Adherent followers make good leaders.

This list is by no means exhaustive or complete. Leadership has numerous dimensions, with each dimension, having several branches to its development. It is no wonder that management scientists and gurus have gone into developing hair- splitting aspects of leadership. We have in use today concepts like, Authentic Leadership, The Servant Leader, The transformational leader, The Transactional Leader, The Spiritual Leader, etc.

If any of the reader wishes to be a great leader, begin by being the best follower.

The writer is a senior banker and freelance columnist