Monday June 03, 2024

Wholesome and light meals are the way to go this summer

July 15, 2022
Wholesome and light meals are the way to go this summer

Summer’s here in full swing and we are ready for it! The season may bring with it soaring temperatures, but there’s more to it than that. Summer brings with it cooler evenings, pleasant breezes, and a truckload of fresh summer fruits and vegetables. Suddenly your penchant for heavy, meaty food dials down and you start craving lighter meals that are quick, nutritious, and wholesome. You start craving lentils and rice, stir-fried veggies, salads, sandwiches with zesty dips, vegetable cakes and cold beverages such as lemonades, kombuchas and coolers.

Did you notice how the above-mentioned meals, apart from being delicious, are extremely budget friendly? The times that we are living in right now require us to be efficient and make well thought-out decisions when it comes to how much we spend on food. Inflation is at an all time high and it’s only going to go higher from here. A common man with a family to feed can’t afford to buy chicken thrice a week because they know they can spend that amount on something more important. So the question arises, how can you bring the taste of chicken to your everyday, budget-controlled meals without actually purchasing chicken from your local butcher?

The answer is a rather simple one. Knorr Chicken Cubes will be your saviour during these difficult times. Add in a Knorr Chicken Cube, a small cube with tons of flavour that will elevate your simple, summer veggie meal, and watch it become a permanent part of your everyday meals.

Take a look at this quick, easy and scrumptious vegetable kabab recipe below, made using Knorr chicken cube for that extra oomph.


Carrot (finely chopped) 1 medium

Capsicum pepper (finely chopped) 1 medium

Onion (finely chopped) 1 medium

Gram lentil 1/2 cup

Red Chilli 1 teaspoon

White Cumin 1 tbsp

Garam Masala 1 teaspoon

Tamarind pulp 1/4 cup

Green Chilli 3

Coriander 1/2 cup

Knorr Chicken soupstock 20gm

Bread slice 2

Flour Maida 1/4 cup

Egg 1

Sesame seeds 2 tbsp


Boil gram lentil, cumin, chilies and garam masala until macerated.

Grind the mix after straining the water, also add the vegetables whilst grinding.

Add Knorr chicken cube and bread slices and grind further.

Add tamarind pulp and green spices to the mix.

Make desired shape patties.

Dip in flour, egg and sesame.

Fry and serve.

So dive into the summer season and satisfy all your cravings with simple meals, made wholesome with Knorr chicken cubes.