Journalists protest detention of Mohsin Baig

By Bureau report
February 18, 2022


PESHAWAR: The Khyber Union of Journalists (KhUJ) staged on Thursday protested the illegal detention of journalist Mohsin Baig demanding the authorities to release him forthwith and withdraw cases against him.

Led by the KhUJ President Nasir Hussain and others, the protesters were carrying banners and placards inscribed with slogans in favour of Mohsin Baig and condemning the raid on the house of senior journalists.

The protestors chanted slogans and asked the government to stop punishing the media and its workers for their criticism.

The speakers condemned the government for its alleged anti-media stance, saying the rulers could not harass the media and its workers from discharging their professional duty. They recalled that the former military dictators could not suppress the media and stop journalists from performing professional duties.

The speakers vowed to follow the principles of the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) leadership and recalled the sacrifices rendered for the freedom of the press and democracy.

The KhUJ leaders said the government should exercise the legal options instead of using force if the journalists had committed any wrong. They warned of expanding the protest movement on the call of PFUJ if their demands were not accepted.
