Complaint registration system to be upgraded

November 23, 2020

Islamabad : The Ministry of Human Rights (MoHR) has decided to upgrade its complaint registration system during COVID-19, said an official here on Sunday.


Talking to this agency, he said that around 8,630 outbound calls had been received from MoHR Toll Fee helpline in 2020 and call back to Voice mails calls had received 13178. The main area summary report 116 calls were received by MoHR related to child rights, 300 calls related to COVID-19 and 41 calls had been received for Disabled Persons Rights. On the Human Rights Governance issues, 681 calls were received, 17 calls for Labour Rights, 09 calls for Minorities rights, miscellaneous 193 calls, 45 calls were received for Protection of life liberty, For Women Rights, 2,060 calls had been received by Ministry of human Rights. He said that MoHR was cognizant of the potential increase in domestic violence and that due to conditions of lockdowns, it was more difficult for victims to speak to Helpline officers through a partnership with UN Women, Ministry of Human Rights has transformed the Helpline and upgraded it to be able to take complaints through SMS and a mobile app.

The new helpline will allow citizens to send a distress signal by just dialling a secret number. The new dashboard setup will assimilate all operations of the Helpline in one place. It will seamlessly integrate with the mobile app and the Call Centre, and thus be able to handle different data flows required by the Ministry of Human Rights. This Dashboard will also have an alert system connected to relevant departments for follow-up by Helpline staff. Finally, the Ministry of Human Rights has hired additional lawyers and operators to add an additional shift, making helpline support available for 24 hours a day.
