Johnny Depp to be paid full salary despite forced exit from 'Fantastic Beasts'

Warner Bros. will give Johnny Depp his entire salary regardless of the amount of contribution he made

By Web Desk
November 10, 2020

Hollywood star Johnny Depp may have been forced to exit Fantastic Beasts but the actor would still be receiving his full salary.


According to a report by The Hollywood Reporter, the Pirates of the Caribbean actor had only filmed a single scene of the third sequel before he was asked to give up the role.

The report claimed that Warner Bros. will give the actor his entire salary regardless of the amount of contribution he made, owing to a pay-or-play contract which he made with the firm.

The report states: “As is common with stars of his level, there was no morality clause in his contract, even though it was amended with each new installment.”

Last week, Depp announced on Instagram that he would be withdrawing from the franchise.

“I’d like to thank everybody who has gifted me with their support and loyalty. I have been humbled and moved by your many messages of love and concern, particularly over the last few days.”

“Based on our understanding of the circumstances, the filmmakers and I are not only comfortable sticking with our original casting, but genuinely happy to have Johnny playing a major character in the movies,” he added.

This came after a UK court ruled against him in a libel case that the actor had filed against The Sun’s publishers over an article calling him a “wife beater.”
