Women and Islam

March 11, 2020

It was astonishing to see a campaign against the Aurat March in Pakistani media. Conservatives made it a matter of faith and made an attempt to paint feminism as 'anti-religious'. The fact is that Islam gave rights to women some 1500 years ago when the word 'women's rights' was unheard of. Islam gave property rights to women, right to acquire education, right to make a decision in the choice of life partners and the list goes on.


Such rights were revolutionary at that time and challenged the fundamentals of the patriarchal tribal system of the time, yet it is an irony that Muslim societies have failed their women. The Muslim clergy has served the interests of the male-dominated ruling elite of Muslim societies and has never raised a voice for the rights of women in light of the teachings of Islam. If Muslims had given rights to women as awarded by the great religion of Islam, there would not be any need for feminism in the Muslim world at least.

Malik Atif Mahmood Majoka


