Mauritian trade delegation calls on Secretary TDAP

October 12, 2019

KARACHI: Mauritian Trade delegation is visiting Pakistan from 8th to 15th October. The delegation consists of importers of readymade garments fruits and vegetable, auto part and edible oil.


The delegation called on Secretary Trade Development Authority of Pakistan on the first day of the scheduled visit. The Secretary TDAP welcomed the delegation and expressed his hope that this delegation would pave for the enhancement of trade between the two countries and would strengthen economic ties.

Mr. Muhammad Bilal, the leader of the Mauritian delegation expressed gratitude to Secretary TDAP for facilitating the visit of the delegation to Karachi. Mr. Bilal stated that visit to Pakistan would provide them opportunity to meet exporters of sectors of interest and place them orders.

The delegation would also visit manufacturing units and some local markets of Karachi. He also expressed hope that this delegation would go a long way in strengthening the trade relations between the two countries.****
