A difficult task ahead!

By Ishrat Hyatt
September 21, 2018

A new government with promises of a ‘naya’ Pakistan has been installed in the country bringing back hope to the people who remember Pakistan as it used to be -- a country where all its citizens, be they of whatever faith, lived together in peace and harmony; where heads of state of countries used to visit without fear and security concerns; where government organizations worked diligently and catered to the needs of the public; where women and children were safe; where rule of law was observed. I could go on and on about what a beautiful country it used to be to on all counts.


While the government may have good intentions, it’s going to be a tough job to straighten out the mess, change the mindset that has developed over the years and getting the public as well as officialdom to change their ways. There is no rule of law -- the general public does not bother about rules and regulations, while those who wield power think it’s their right to flout them. Besides the many mafias that exist and rob the country blind, what the average, honest citizen has to deal with are things which affect his life in one way or another.

Someone once said that if you want to know the way a country runs, take a look at the traffic on the roads and you will get a good idea! No laws are observed as far as traffic goes -- many drivers do not have a license or hold one that has been obtained through bribery or a contact; ramshackle vehicles that would have been dumped years ago in a country where the law is observed, ply the roads; six rows of vehicles can be seen on three marked lanes; idling in the wrong lane at traffic signals then trying to turn, blocking the way for all other vehicles; racing on highways; not observing speed limits; not bothering about ‘No Parking’ signs or those places reserved for the handicapped, even by those who should set an example (read law enforcers) - the list is endless!

Then take our utility services or lack of them. If you have a complaint the problem is not fixed unless you know someone who can ‘pull strings;’ you have a relative working in that particular organisation or you ride the high horse and say you are related to some big shot! If you want an application passed; acquire an ID card, a license or a passport, and you are in a hurry, besides the regular fees, you pay extra to touts that hang around outside, you jump the queue and your work is done, probably in connivance with the staff working inside.

Heaven help you if you want plans approved; a birth certificate or anything else that has to be sanctioned or passed -- you will be running from pillar to post to get your work done unless you agree to an ‘under the table’ deal. There are some people who try and resist this form of bribery and corruption but they too eventually succumb to the system, just to save their precious time and free themselves from frustration!

There’s much more but I’m sure you get the picture! Let’s pray; keep our fingers crossed; remain positive and hope ‘change’ will come but everyone has to play their part -- the government cannot do everything. After all it’s our country and we should make the effort and encourage others to do the same.
