Dr Muhammad Ali Shaikh, Vice Chancellor SMIU chairs meeting of management of SMIU Model School

March 14, 2018

Karachi: Dr Muhammad Ali Shaikh, Vice Chancellor of Sindh Madressatul Islam University chaired the meeting of SMIU Model School’s senior management held at the Conference Room of SMIU on Tuesday. After reviewing academic, admission, managerial and other related matters of the SMIU Model School in detail, some very important decisions were taken. It was decided that the affiliation of SMIU Model School will remain continue with Aga Khan Board of Examinations. Admission policy was reviewed and finalized.


In the meeting it was decided that the Sindhi, Urdu and English clubs of students will be set up, aimed at to improve their language skills and performance in co-curricular activities. It was resolved that besides curriculum, poetry of Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai, Asadullah Ghalib, Allama Iqbal, Shakespeare and Milton etc. will be taught to students of the SMIU Model School.

Addressing the meeting Dr Muhammad Ali Shaikh, Vice Chancellor of SMIU said that SMIU Model School is an integral part of Sindh Madressatul Islam University, which is counted among the best schools of the country. He said that like other departments of the university, improvement and development of SMIU Model School is also on priority of the university.***
