Mind your language

January 20, 2018

Sheikh Rasheed’s objectionable and shameful ‘lanat to parliament’ remark in which he abused the institution is symptomatic of what is being called ‘Trump lingo.’ Unfortunately, Imran Khan also got carried away by the speeches of Sheikh Rasheed and PAT leader Tahirul Qadri, and cursed parliament. He forgot that he is a member of the institution and intends to contest next elections with an aim of getting maximum seats in the same parliament in the 2018 elections to become prime minister. It is also shocking that Imran Khan wants to stick by his words.


The people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) who voted the PTI to power in their province are deeply saddened by Imran Khan’s distasteful remark. People would appreciate if he offered an apology. The PTI chairperson must evade the likes of Sheikh Rasheed who was a minister during the Nawaz–led government in the 1990s and showered praises for his political boss. Within the days of NS being dislodged by Musharraf, this person became his minister and stood on stage in Islamabad on May 12, 2007 when Musharraf raised his fists to rejoice the brutal massacre of over 50 innocent citizens in Karachi (reportedly by the MQM). Most of those killed were the Pakhtuns.

Gull Z

