Millions of jellyfish washed ashore in Crimea are a growing concern

By Web Desk
November 14, 2017

Huge swarms of Jellyfish have invaded Crimea and turned Balaclava Bay into a bubbly slimy mass that doesn’t look great at all.

Jellyfish look creepy and do not even taste good. And this particular jellyfish species is known as box jellyfish.

Millions of jellyfish turned up in the Balaclava Bay in Sevastopol, Crimea, and blurred the top surface of the water.

Scientists are wondering what has caused jellyfishes to swim near the shores.

Potential reasons are being put forth for the increase in the population of Jellyfish some of which include the rise of agricultural waste dumps in oceans, and increase in their reproduction abilities in warmer waters.

The more problematic thing is that these fishes possess 6-8 foot tentacles that are covered in venom and can kill a human within three minutes.
