Arab League chief condemns Netanyahu settlements remark

August 29, 2017

CAIRO: Arab League chief Ahmed Abul Gheit on Tuesday denounced remarks by Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu who ruled out evacuating settlements in the occupied Palestinian West Bank.

The rightwing Israeli leader, speaking in a Jewish settlement, had described them as an "inheritance".

"It is our land. We have come back here to stay here for good," promising "no uprooting of settlements".

The Arab League chief "strongly denounced" the remarks in a statement.

"Abul Gheit considers this stance, which is utterly rejected, as something that cannot come from a person who seeks peace," the statement said.

International law considers all settlements to be illegal, but Israel distinguishes between those it sanctions and those it does not -- so-called outposts.

They have been a major sticking point in stalled peace talks between the Palestinians and Israel.
