LAHORE: Massive overcharging continues even after Eid holidays as fruit and vegetable sellers are selling their commodities at the prices of their will.
It seems the government has closed its eyes to the basic issue of price hike and is not taking against those who have created artificial inflation. The government must implement official rate list to control prices of edibles. This week price of chicken has declined by Rs53 per kg, fixed at Rs277-288 per kg, sold at Rs320-340 per kg, and chicken meat by Rs76 per kg, fixed Rs418 per kg, and sold Rs450-600 per kg. The price of potato soft skin unchanged at Rs75-80 per kg, sold at Rs130-140 per kg, B-grade fixed at Rs65-70 per kg, and C-grade at Rs55-60 per kilogram, mixed sold at Rs100-120 per kg.
The price of onion A-grade also unchanged at Rs100–105 per kg, sold at Rs150 per kg, B-grade reduced by Rs5 per kg, fixed at Rs85-90 per kg, and C-grade by Rs5 per kg, fixed at Rs75-80 per kg, mixed sold at Rs100-120 per kg.
The price of tomato A-grade further gained by Rs10 per kg, fixed at Rs90-95 per kg, sold at Rs250 per kg, B-grade fixed at Rs80-85 per kg, and C-grade at Rs65-70 per kg, mixed sold at Rs150 per kg. The price of garlic local was reduced by Rs5 per kg, fixed at Rs265-275 per kg, sold at Rs350-400 per kg, and Garlic China price was not fixed sold at Rs1000 per kg, Garlic Harnai fixed at Rs295-310 per kg, sold at Rs600 per kg.
The price of Ginger Thai gained by Rs10 per kg, fixed at Rs630-650 per kg, and Ginger Chinese fixed at Rs620-640 per kg, both sold at Rs800-1000 per kg. Cucumber Farm reduced by Rs15 per kg, fixed at Rs42-45 per kg, sold at Rs60-100 per kg, and cucumber local fixed at Rs57-60 per kg, sold at Rs80-140 kg. Brinjal price was reduced by Rs10 per kg, fixed Rs38-40 per kg, sold at Rs80-120 per kg. Biter gourd further reduced by Rs30 per kg, fixed at Rs38-40 per kg, sold at Rs100-120 per kg.
The price Spinach farm unchanged at Rs38-40 at Rs80 per kg. Zucchini local was reduced by Rs10 per kg, fixed at Rs125-130 per kg, sold at Rs180-200 per kg, Zucchini farm unchanged at Rs67-70 per kg, sold at Rs100-120 per kg, and Zucchini long at Rs57-60 per kg, sold at Rs100-120 per kg.
The lemon local gained by Rs65 per kg, fixed at Rs380-395 per kg, sold at Rs600-800 per kg. Pumpkin was gained by Rs20 per kg, fixed at Rs72-75 per kg, sold at Rs100-140 per kg.
Green chili price A-grade gained by Rs10 per kg, fixed at Rs115-120 per kg, sold at Rs250 per kg, B-grade fixed at Rs72-75 per kg, sold at Rs200 per kg. Capsicum price was reduced by Rs100 per kg, fixed at Rs85-90 per kg, sold at Rs240 per kg. Price of cauliflower was further gained by Rs15 per kg, fixed at Rs140-145 per kg, sold at Rs200 per kg, cabbage by Rs20 per kg, fixed at Rs72-75 per kg, sold Rs120-140 per kg.
Carrot Chinese further gained by Rs10 per kg, fixed at Rs85-90 per kg, sold at Rs300-320 per kg. Arum was reduced gained by Rs20 per kg, fixed at Rs145-150 per kg, sold at Rs220-240 per kg.
Ladyfinger further reduced by Rs45 per kg, fixed at Rs70-74 per kg, sold at Rs120-150 per kg.
Turnip was unchanged at Rs67-70 per kg, sold at Rs200 per kg.
Fenugreek (Methi) gained by Rs20 per kg, fixed at Rs135-140 per kg, sold at Rs400 per kg.
Pea price was increased by Rs20 per kg, fixed at Rs220-230 per kg, sold at Rs400 per kg.
Beetroot was sold at Rs400 per kg.
Coriander was sold at Rs50 per bundle.
Sweet Pumpkin unchanged at Rs28-30 per kg, sold at Rs80 per kg.
Mangoes unripe unchanged at Rs38-40 per kg, sold at Rs80-100 per kg.
Beans was reduced by Rs55 per kg, fixed at Rs70-140 per kg, sold at Rs300-400 per kg.
The price of different variety reduced by Rs25 of apples fixed at Rs58-330 per kg, sold at Rs300-800 per kg.
The price of Banana A-category gained by Rs10 per doze, fixed at Rs135-140 per dozen, sold at Rs200 per dozen, and B-category fixed at Rs90-95 per dozen, sold at Rs150-160 per dozen, and C-category fixed at Rs57-60 per dozen, sold at Rs120 per dozen.
Dates Irani fixed at Rs450-470 per kg, sold at Rs800 to 1400 per kg.
Papaya further gained by Rs10 per kg, fixed at Rs185-190 per kg, sold at Rs250-300 per kg.
Grapefruit was unchanged at Rs24-26 per piece, sold at Rs60-80 per piece.
Melon was gained by Rs10 per kg, fixed at Rs48-80 per kg, sold at Rs80-120 per kg, melon round fixed at Rs48-50 per kg, sold at Rs100 per kg.
Grapes Sunderkhani increased by Rs15 per kg, was fixed at Rs180-190 per kg, sold at Rs300-400 per kg.
Watermelon was fixed at Rs38-40 per kg, sold at Rs70-100 pe kg.
Peach was reduced by Rs10 per kg, fixed at Rs130-180 per kg, sold at Rs200-300 per kg.
Phalsa was further gained by Rs10 per kg, fixed at Rs230-240 per kg, sold at Rs300-350 per kg.
Grama was unchanged at Rs76-80 per kg, sold at Rs130-180 per kg,
Apricot Ameri was gained by Rs10 per kg, fixed at Rs155-160 per kg, sold at Rs300 per kg, Apricot white by Rs30 per kg, fixed at Rs220-230 per kg, sold at Rs300-320 per kg.
Mangoes of different variety was fixed at Rs80-190 per kg, sold at Rs150-350 per kg.
Plump A-grade was gained by Rs45 per kg, fixed at Rs210-220 per kg, sold at Rs500-600 per kg, and B-grade was fixed at Rs105-110 per kg, sold at Rs250-300 per kg.
Cherry box was fixed at Rs280-290 per box, sold at Rs400-500 per box.
Litchi was fixed at Rs315-330 per kg, sold at Rs500 to 600 per kg.
Jamblon was fixed at Rs150-155 per kg, sold at Rs400-600 per kg.