Crackdown on illegal petrol pumps begins

May 24, 2024
Assistant Commissioner of District Administration Peshawar seals the petrol station against selling of illegal Iranian petrol, at different areas of Peshawar on May 23, 2024. — PPI

PESHAWAR: The district administration launched a crackdown on illegal petrol pumps and arrested three owners on Thursday.


On the directives of the provincial government, the officers of district administration launched an operation against the sale of smuggled petrol, sealed 21 dispensers and arrested their owners to initiate legal proceedings against.

The sale of smuggled petrol pumps through illegal petrol pumps has become an attractive business and such dispensers were established across the district.Few days ago, the Petroleum Dealers and Carriage Association protested against the operation of illegal petrol pumps and went on strike.However, after holding successful negotiations, the district administration accepted their demand to take action against such petrol pumps.
