The premiere of an unexpected limited series, combined with exceptional comebacks of actors and genres, and the presence of numerous stars, made...
T he advent of social media has made it remarkably easy for anyone to express their opinions on anything including TV shows, films, or music....
A fter weeks of anticipation and speculation, the official cast of the upcoming drama, Faraar, has finally been revealed.This highly...
All eyes on: An upcoming iconic devotional album, an anticipated drama serial and diverse reviews versus social media hawks
T he last time Humayun Saeed appeared in a Hadiqa Kiani music video was more than a decade ago when she collaborated with the Aamir Zaki for...
The music scene is thriving, featuring diverse artists and genres. Many artists have overcome obstacles to find success.Younger artists have...
From seasoned actors criticizing colleagues to a designer being called out for plagiarism and a stylist comparing younger actors to their older...
In a recent podcast with social media influencer Raj Shamani, popular Indian singer Sunidhi Chauhan, known for hit songs such as ‘Desi Girl,’...
Rakae Jamil R akae Jamil has known Haniya since her early years in music, when she and Zeb Bangash were colloborating on their unforgettable...
I n the music video for his new release, ‘Kabhi’, from his debut solo album Zindagi Jahaan Le Jaaye, Faisal Kapadia appears alongside his...