
July 7, 2019

How do we define Generation Z? The world inhabited by the Z-ers.


Can we call them the smartphone generation? Are they quick to learn new skills and dare to look ahead of their times? Surely, they do. Born in years 1995 to 2015, we call them the Z-ers. They seem to have the capability to leave their mark on everything they do, dream, or just think about. Also called Plurals, iGen, and Digital Natives, the Z-ers can be many things to many people.

To a teacher, they have a very short attention span in a class, even shorter than their previous generation -- the millennials. Understandably, they cannot live a life without their smartphones. But this is not to say that they do not hold promise of a world which is better, more open, and judicious, a world where people are mindful of cultural sensitivities.

To an employer, the Z-ers fully understand the importance of developing new skills and volunteer for activities outside of school. They have arrived at a point of learning and understanding of things where the millennials only dreamt of at that stage. To a mother, Z-ers are free in their minds like the earlier generations never were. They can’t be compelled to do anything unless they are convinced about it.

Also read: Paradoxes galore

Still, their life is hugely defined by the social media and what it brings with it -- loads of information, anxiety, propaganda, truth, fiction…and so on. Despite the choices they have to make and the challenges they face in today’s world, they are confident to take steps which they deem right. More than anything else, they give us optimism and the push to brave and realise a world which needs us as much as we need it.
