The author is Islamabad-based media law expert.
Unpacking the legality of internet shutdowns in Pakistan
Does an administrative/ executive body have the prerogative to curb free speech?
There remain many legal provisions that continue to be used to silence journalists
Freedom of expression has been the most curtailed and ignored right in Pakistan’s constitutional history
Public accountability and the people’s right to know are hallmarks of a democratic society. These have now been declared offences
The passage of the Protection of Journalists and Media Professionals Act, 2021, by the Senate is a momentous development but a deeper look raises...
In the age of cyberspace, analogue radio is fast becoming irrelevant
What is the legal framework that allows surveillance of citizens online? Who has the jurisdiction to do so? Perhaps the answer lies in...
A comparative analysis of the RTI laws in the four provinces and the federal territory leads to the conclusion that while they look good on paper, a...
The Public Interest Disclosures Bill, 2017 falls short of the international standards