BEAUTY STATION! Your guide to winter skin care

November 12, 2017

BEAUTY STATION! Your guide to winter skin care

Instep Desk

Winter is without a doubt the best season of the year for several reasons. From fashion to vacations, to parties and weddings, the climate change suits all occasions and puts everyone in a happy, festive mood; we’re obviously not talking about those suffering the smog these days! However, the cold, wet blanket that dampens everyone’s happiness each year is the effect winter has on one’s skin. Most of us dread the dry and cold spell of winter because it has an equally dry and cold impact on the skin; nourishing the skin in winter becomes a hardship!

Freezing temperatures outside and dry air from heating units inside don’t suit those who are prone to flaky skin, while it becomes equally difficult to manage one’s hair. Lips and cuticles start splitting and one can feel the face getting dehydrated if it’s not moisturized heavily. Though applying a lot of lotion helps, there is much more that one needs to do to keep the skin happy and healthy.

Skincare experts weigh in on the issue and offer some serious advice on caring for the skin through winter…

Dry scalp

Those flakes that you find in your hair are mostly just dandruff - a true dry-scalp condition - and indoor heating during winter makes your dry scalp ever drier. According to Melissa Piliang, a dermatologist specializing in scalp care, "This can disrupt its natural barrier and allow yeast to overgrow, causing itching and flaking."

To get rid of the condition, one needs to skip the dry shampoo and wash their hair a little more regularly than usual to remove the oil yeast feeds on. Try alternating between a sulfate-free shampoo and an antifungal formula containing zinc pyrithione (an active ingredient in Head & Shoulders).

Experts recommend: Head & Shoulders: Dry scalp care

Chapped lips

Your lips need the same amount of attention as the rest of your face, if not more. There are multiple factors that may result in chapped lips. Any lipstick that you wear can combine with the cold air whipping around and end up

drying your lips. This may get worse and lead to flaky or even cracked lips and we all know how painful that becomes.

To save the life of your lips, moisturize your lips regularly with a lip balm. "While choosing your lip balm look for ingredients like colloidal oatmeal and cold-pressed antioxidant-rich fruit seed oil that help rejuvenate lips by providing long-lasting moisture," says beauty expert Keith Edgett. Apart from keeping them moisturized, wearing a scarf while stepping out in the cold and drinking plenty of water also keeps the skin hydrated.

Experts recommend: The Body Shop Frosted Cranberry Lip Balm

Rough and scaly patches

Elbows and knees have fewer oil glands and a slower cell turnover which is why dead skin builds up faster, making these areas extra prone to dryness. According to dermatologist Heather Woolery-Lloyd, these areas also experience more friction because of all the clothes rubbing, leg crossing, and elbow resting that we do all day. "This can stir up inflammation, causing hyperpigmentation, or dark spots, especially in skin of color," she says. "The hyperpigmentation is usually due to thickening of the skin and the steroid works by lightening the area and thinning it out."

To help remove the dryness and hydrate the skin, you need to apply a cream that is rich in urea twice a day. And to calm and even out your skin, try a moisturizer that has a considerable percentage of glycolic acid to help rough areas.

Experts recommend: Physiogel Hypoallergenic Daily Moisture Therapy Body Lotion

Rough heels

Though your winter boots cover your feet without anyone finding out what’s the condition inside, it is never a good idea to skip your monthly pedicure or else your heels will soon start feeling like a sand paper and the cracks will start hurting.

To get rid of calluses and hardened heels, medical pedicurist Marcela Correa suggests soaking your feet in warm water spiked with soap powder, followed by rubbing on a urea-enriched cream. Once you feel the skin is moisturized, buff your heels with a medium-grit foot file and the results will amaze you.

Experts recommend: Johnson’s Foot Soap Powder

BEAUTY STATION! Your guide to winter skin care