Tarbooze drop their brilliant new song, ‘Bhaago!’

May 26, 2024

Tarbooze release their latest song on Karachi’s indie and electronic music label, Cape Monze Records.

Tarbooze drop their brilliant new song, ‘Bhaago!’


can’t remember the last time when Tarbooze (what a terrific music alias) fumbled a song. Now, imagine the sheer volume of music released in Pakistan across platforms, from giants like Spotify to selective labels like Cape Monze Records, and even self-released gems.

Given this context, you can’t help but applaud every effort Tarbooze makes. It’s like this: there are millions of books out there, and if someone asked for a single fiction recommendation, I’d say The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

Does it mean that there are no other brilliant works? Absolutely not. But for someone new to reading, The Great Gatsby is a perfect starting point. The same applies to Tarbooze. Are there no other worthy independent artists? Of course not! But if you’re exploring the indie music scene and its potential, look no further than Tarbooze.

Cape Monze Records, a Karachi-based indie and electronic record label, is highly selective about its artists. They don’t just sign anyone. Their past releases, including Dou Tarbooze (a four-song collection, released in 2021), ‘Saari Gharriyan’ (2022), and Taraqiati Kaam (Tarbooze’s second EP from 2023), demonstrate their commitment to music that aligns with their values. If you haven’t heard their previous work, dive in! It cements Tarbooze’s place as a consistently strong act in the indie music scene. Their singles and EPs speak for themselves.

Now, to the current release, ‘Bhaago!’. This new single showcases the collective talents of Tarbooze ft. Wishaal Khalid & Danial Shahid, a twosome who practically operate as one. A third person never enters the Tarbooze universe. The electronic elements are undeniable, but this isn’t a techno club in Berlin. Tarbooze stays true to their genre, which in this case is alternative rock. Don’t expect guitar screeches, but a thoughtful song that, through Wishaal Khalid and Danial Shahid contributions, make us believe there’s hope for Pakistani music.

The English and Urdu lyrics perfectly complement the song, with one particularly poignant line echoing what every therapist says: “Step away from the story you’ve been telling yourself/ Deep breaths before you unbury yourself/No one else but only you can carry yourself”.

The song reveals its meaning gradually over multiple listens, taking a non-linear approach. What it means to you might differ from someone else, and that’s its strength. This is a truly impressive song, and we’re eagerly anticipating what they’ll create next.

According to a press statement, if you were to ask Tarbooze about the song, they would say, “‘Bhaago!’ is an admission of duality within a human being. One part of us, tethered to the material world, is limited in its trappings. It keeps looking outward to find some semblance of meaning, of purpose. The other side of us, however, is always present with a wider view, ready to lead the way if we only decide to listen. It may be in the form of heartache at first, but ‘there is a crack in everything, that‘s how the light gets in’.”

For Cape Monze Records, this is their first release leading into the summer, with several more lined up for the next two months. Exciting times are ahead as Cape Monze Records gears up to share more musical treasures with eager listeners.

As anticipation builds for the forthcoming releases from Cape Monze Records, fans and enthusiasts alike can look forward to a diverse array of sounds and styles, each one promising to captivate and inspire. Whether you’re a seasoned music aficionado or just dipping your toes into the vibrant world of indie music, there’s something for everyone to discover and enjoy. So, mark your calendars and get ready to embark on a musical journey like no other. With each release, they’re poised to redefine the indie music scene, carving a niche for themselves and their artists in the industry.

– Photography by Danial Shahid & Wishaal Khalid

Tarbooze drop their brilliant new song, ‘Bhaago!’