Uniting for climate action

Cutting emissions, switching to greener energy sources and preparing for climate change are necessary for a sustainable future

Uniting for climate action


s the echoes of deliberations reverberated within the walls of the International Energy Agency Headquarters at Dubai during the event titled Beyond COP28: Time to Unite, Act, and Deliver on the UAE Consensus, Dr Sultan Al Jaber, the COP 28 president, seized the spotlight with a resounding call to action. His plea for “unprecedented action” cut through the air, echoing the urgency of the moment.

As the global community grapples with the escalating challenges posed by climate change, COP28 has emerged as a pivotal milestone in the ongoing efforts to address environmental concerns. Dr Sultan Al Jaber’s call for unprecedented action underscores the gravity of the situation and the need for immediate and decisive measures. The urgency of the moment cannot be overstated, as the consequences of inaction continue to escalate, threatening ecosystems, livelihoods and global stability.

COP28, the 28th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, took place in 2023 at Expo City in Dubai, UAE. This global summit brought together nations to discuss and strategise on addressing climate change challenges and advancing international cooperation for sustainable environmental practices.

During COP28, leaders and climate change practitioners from around the world, including Pakistan, actively participated in discussions addressing the global impact of climate change. Despite Pakistan’s minimal contribution to global warming, the country ranks 8th in vulnerability according to the Global Climate Risk Index by German Watch. Pakistani practitioners at COP28 emphasised the urgent need for solutions to mitigate climate consequences, particularly the annual flooding issues, engaging in dialogue and presenting recommendations to address and alleviate the challenges faced by the nation.

Our decisions today will determine the kind of world we leave for future generations. The call to step up is not just a rallying cry; it is a commitment to a shared responsibility for the planet and its inhabitants.

The Beyond COP28 event served as a crucial platform for leaders, experts, and stakeholders to unite with a common goal – to act decisively and deliver on the UAE Consensus. Dr Al Jaber’s plea echoed the sentiments of a global community grappling with the reality of climate change and underscored the collective responsibility to implement meaningful solutions. The UAE Consensus, forged through international cooperation, charts a path towards sustainable practices, renewable energy and climate resilience.

An important turning point in the global conversation on climate change was the loud appeal to action at the IEA Headquarters. It urges the whole world and people to commit in real terms to cutting emissions, switching to greener energy sources and preparing for climate change. Dr Sultan Al Jaber’s emphasis on urgency serves as a wake-up call for the international community to come together, act in unison, and fulfill the commitments made at COP28.

Our decisions today will determine the kind of world we leave for future generations. The call to step up is not just a rallying cry; it is a commitment to a shared responsibility for the planet and its inhabitants.

The question still stands after the incident: will we seize the chance, or will we allow it to pass us by? Our individual and group activities hold the key to the solution. More than ever, the world needs visionaries, leaders and regular people to come together, take action, and fulfill the commitments made at COP28.

We must transcend differences, overcome obstacles and forge a path towards a sustainable future. The time is now, and the call is clear: step up for the planet, for humanity and for the generations to come.

The writer has been a part of the development sector for the last 18 years

Uniting for climate action