Raise your voice!

October 29, 2023

Pakistani celebrities have often shied away from activism and open political statements but a #FreePalestine March organized in Karachi told a different story.

Raise your voice!


he past few weeks have had the world witness large-scale genocide by Israel in Palestine.

With 3,300+ innocent Palestinian lives lost already (about half of which were children), 47 Palestinian families having been entirely murdered, and all access to clean water, food and shelter being snatched away from an entire nation, several renowned organizations called for a protest last week in Karachi from Do Talwar to Teen Talwar to pledge our solidarity with Palestinians and urge global institutions to take an urgent stand against this horrific ethnic cleansing. What was striking was the celebrity turnout and presence which included actors Ushna Shah and Hina Bayat and trans rights activist Dr Mehrub Moiz Awan who participated in the March with the masses.

Shah has been very vocal on her social platforms, highlighting what one can do to help the Palestinian cause during these times, suggesting things like placing pressure on one’s government, sharing information on socials, and amplifying key voices. “Call it a genocide, apartheid, or murder,” Shah emphasized as she spoke. She then spoke about how “superpowers” of the world are aiding this conflict and lamented how Muslim countries are quiet. “It is us, the people, who need to take it to the streets and demand the government to openly condemn the atrocities happening [to Palestinians] at the hands of Israeli forces. We need to protest until Palestine is free, and I am talking about absolute freedom not a temporary ceasefire,” Shah highlighted.

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Chanting, “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!” Hina Bayat and Dr Awan were among the key members leading the march and chanting the primary slogans. Describing herself as an actor, anchor and humanist, Bayat has openly supported the Palestinian cause through her activism and social media.

A renowned pop culture icon, activist, performance artist and global policy practitioner, Dr. Mehrub Moiz Awan posted on the #FreeFreePalestineMarch “In the heart of Karachi, we took a stand for Gaza’s sands and Palestine’s land.

Colonization, of lands and souls, must cease,

Raise your voice!

For peace to bloom and wars to decrease. To the leaders of Pakistan, we make this plea,

Help end this genocide, set the oppressed free. For in unity and strength, our voices combine,

For the hope of a free and peaceful Palestine.

Strikingly enough, a vast majority of those who attended the march were women and youngsters. The people leading the march were mostly women which speaks volumes to the presence and leadership of women leading social justice marches and political protests in Pakistan.

Celebrities play an important role in catalyzing and charging political activism, especially movements against violence and genocide. Here’s hoping more Pakistani celebrities come forward to support causes which have national and global relevance.

– The writer is an Assistant Professor at IVS and can be reached at

Raise your voice!