Character-building through civic education

The historical perspective on the role of education in fostering virtue and character continues to hold relevance in today's society

Character-building through civic education


ow does civic education help build good character? The question is important because some of the important people in Pakistan lack strong characters. Even some of the graduates from top universities around the world have lacked the courage and determination needed to guide the country in the right direction. I will argue that such character can be instilled through civic education.

The significance of cultivating informed, engaged and responsible citizens is paramount. Societies have long recognised the importance of preparing their youth for active participation in civic life, a concern that has grown more pronounced, especially in democratic settings.

It is evident that even in some established democracies there is no universal understanding and acceptance of civic rights and responsibilities. This imperils the sustenance and advancement of constitutional democracies. Civic education is aimed at nurturing citizens equipped with the essential knowledge, skills and dispositions. The model proposed by Eyler and Giles encapsulates five dimensions of citizenship: value, knowledge, skill, efficacy and commitment.

In the context of Pakistan, the state of civic education presents both challenges and opportunities. The importance of fostering citizens who possess not only factual data but also critical thinking skills, a sense of efficacy and a commitment to the common good cannot be overstated.

Pakistan’s journey towards democracy has been characterised by periods of transition and consolidation. To ensure the sustainability of democratic governance, civic education must be a cornerstone. Citizens must be equipped with the necessary tools to engage thoughtfully, deliberate civilly and participate effectively in shaping the nation’s trajectory.

Some of the challenges have persisted. Access to quality civic education, particularly in marginalised communities, remains unequal. Additionally, there is a need to adapt civic education to the evolving landscape of technology and media, where information and disinformation can shape public opinion.

Crafting a curriculum that encompasses not only the theoretical aspects of civic life but also practical skills like critical analysis, effective communication and collaborative problem-solving is imperative. Thus, the imperative of civic education resonates across nations, underscoring the vital role citizens play in the success of a democratic society. Eyler and Giles’s model encapsulates the diverse dimensions that contribute to a robust citizenry.

In Pakistan, as in other democratic societies, investing in comprehensive civic education is an investment in the nation’s future. The foundations of a strong and enduring democracy can be laid by nurturing citizens who value democratic principles, possess knowledge and skills, feel efficacious and are committed to collective welfare.

In the early days of our republic, schools were expected to induce pupils to act virtuously. Acting virtuously meant acting with due restraint over one’s impulses, due regard for the rights and opinions of others, and reasonable concern for the probable and the long-term consequences of one’s actions. Virtue in individuals was seen as an important public matter.

“Public virtue cannot exist in a nation without private...,” said John Adams. Thomas Jefferson agrees with him, saying, “Public virtue is the only foundation of republics. There must be a positive passion for the public good, the public interest... established in the minds of the people, or there can be no republican government, no real liberty.” Adams’s bold and well-written position statement concludes with these words:

“Social studies teachers have a responsibility and a duty to refocus their classrooms on the teaching of character and civic virtue. They should not be timid or hesitant about working toward these goals. The fate of the American experiment in self-government depends in no small part on the store of civic virtue that resides in the American people. The social studies profession of this nation has a vital role to play in keeping this well-spring of civic virtue flowing.”

Character, however, does not come pre-packaged. Character formation is a lengthy and complex process. As James Q Wilson, a life-long student of character, reminds us, “We do not know how character is formed in any scientifically rigorous sense.” But there is an abundance of anecdotal data on which to draw.

The school subjects such as government, civics, history and literature, when properly taught, provide the necessary conceptual framework for character education. Further, those traditional school subjects provide a context for considering the traits of public and private character which are important to the maintenance and improvement of a democratic way of life.

The ethos or culture of the school and of the classroom exert powerful influences on what students learn about authority, responsibility, justice, civility and respect. One dynamic by which individuals acquire desired traits of private and public character is through exposure to attractive models of behaviour. Robert Coles explains it in The Moral Intelligence of Children. He tells us that:

“Character is ultimately who we are expressed in action; in how we live; in what we do – and so the children around us know, they absorb and take stock of what they observe, namely us – we adults living and doing things in a certain spirit, getting on with one another in our various ways. Our children add up, imitate, file away what they’ve observed and so very often later fall in line with the particular moral counsel we unwittingly or quite un-self-consciously have offered them.... “

How can civic education strengthen and complement the development of character? Primary responsibility for the cultivation of ethical behaviour and the development of private character, including moral character, lies with families, religious institutions and work settings.

Effective civic education programmes in schools should provide students with many opportunities for the development of desirable traits of public and private character. Learning activities such as the following tend to promote character traits needed to participate effectively.

Civility, courage, self-discipline, persistence, concern for the common good, respect for others, and other traits relevant to citizenship can be promoted through cooperative learning activities and in class meetings, student councils, simulated public hearings, mock trials, mock elections and student courts.

Self-discipline, respect for others, civility, punctuality and personal responsibility can be fostered in school and community service-learning projects, such as tutoring younger students, caring for the school environment and participating in voter registration drives.

Recognition of shared values and a sense of community can be encouraged through celebration of national holidays and celebration of the achievements of classmates and local citizens.

Attentiveness to public affairs can be encouraged by regular discussions of significant current events.

Reflection on ethical considerations can occur when students are asked to evaluate, take and defend positions on issues that involve ethical considerations, that is, issues concerning good and bad, right and wrong.

Civic-mindedness can be increased if schools work with civic organisations, bring community leaders into the classroom to discuss issues with students and provide opportunities for students to observe and/or participate in civic organisations.

In conclusion, the historical perspective on education’s role in fostering virtue and character continues to hold significant relevance in today’s society. The early emphasis on instilling virtues such as restraint, respect for others and a commitment to the common good shaped the foundation of our republic. John Adams’s and Thomas Jefferson’s insights into the inseparable link between public virtue and the success of a democratic society echo through time and find resonance in contemporary discussions.

Social studies teachers have a responsibility to nurture civic virtue and character in their students. They also have to acknowledge that character formation is a complex and ongoing process necessitating the evolving nature of this enterprise.

The interplay between education, classroom culture and the models of behaviour presented to students is a powerful determinant of the values they absorb and adopt.

History reminds us that the formation of character remains a pivotal force in sustaining democratic ideals and preserving a plural ethos. Schools have a vital role in shaping the moral compass of generations to come, ensuring that the torch of civic virtue continues to illuminate the path toward a just and egalitarian society.


The writer is Professor in the faculty of Liberal Arts at the Beaconhouse National University, Lahore

Character-building through civic education