Faisalabad police have introduced the first all-female “Dolphin Squad” in a bid to empower women in the district.
This will be the first-of-its-kind squad in Faisalabad that is entirely based on female officers and they will perform duties previously done by their male counterparts.
The empowering female-squad is set to significantly boost women all across the country by combatting those who disrupt the order of peace on a day-to-day routine.
To make the women officers equipped with the task, they have undergone special training in operating 500cc heavy bikes and automatic weapons to help them perform their tasks.
The all-female Dolphin Squad will work alongside their male counterparts. The team will include 500 women commandos and will be responsible for setting up roadblocks and conducting snap checks on the streets of Faisalabad.
The CPO of Faisalabad has relayed that the female Dolphin Squad will be initially deployed and will patrol public places where women are present in great numbers such as universities and markets.
This will provide both the women on duty and doing their errands a sense of ease and will enable them to comfortably convey their issues — if any arise — in public places to the female Dolphin Squad.
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