Afghan govt forces leave district in Kunar, fighting continues in north

By News Desk
July 26, 2021

KABUL: Sources said that security forces left Narai district in the eastern province of Kunar on Sunday due to lack of supplies and that fighting continues on other fronts, including Nijrab district in Kapisa where its central areas are still under Taliban influence.


“Narai district fell (to the Taliban) without resistance. This shows the weakness of the leadership of the security agencies,” said Jawed Safi, an MP from Kunar. Officials also reported fighting between government forces and the Taliban in Chahar Dara district in the northern province of Kunduz. Officials in Parwan said that Taliban attacks were pushed back in some areas on the outskirts of Charikar city. “The Taliban’s weapons and bodies were left there. Some of them were wounded. Their attack was thwarted,” Parwan governor Fazluddin Ayar said.
