Child abuse

June 23, 2021

The ever-increasing number of child sexual abuse calls for immediate action by the authorities concerned. It is so disappointing to see that seminaries and academic institutions are not safe for our children. The police take action against culprits only when a few cases manage to find some space in the mainstream media. And while these culprits are arrested, many children still remain exposed to abuse. There are countless cases that aren’t reported, and children who go through the worst form of sexual abuse suffer in silence. One of the steps that the authorities can take to curb such cases is to monitor the daily activities of these institutions through CCTV cameras. All seminaries and academic institutions should be asked to install these cameras.


Licenses of those seminaries and academic institutions which fail to install CCTV cameras should be cancelled. These institutions should not be allowed to operate unless they follow the government’s orders. These steps are important to protect our children and ensure that they are studying in a safe and secure environment.

Faisal Ansar

