Managing across cultures

August 13, 2020

When you are doing trade outside your home realm, it is a considerable challenge to cope with a culture that is different from your own. these differences may be seeming or superficial, but in any case you must be cognizant of them, respect them, and without a doubt celebrate them.


To work and live fruitfully in these different cultures, you need to develop an underlying intercultural competence. The crucial element is reconciliation: acknowledging the legitimacy of cultural differences, and integrating them in a mutually beneficial partnership. Working in different cultures can be a source of personal growth: back home, you should be even more effective in your own culture.

You must first be aware of the range of variables that make up cultural diversity. These can be defined in a number of dimensions, or categories, and they provide a framework to respond to the practicalities of life.

With an awareness of specific norms and values in individual societies, you can then consider procedures, and how you yourself can adapt accordingly in your management role.***

—Tafveez Amin
