Go online

July 14, 2020

The data of the Covid-19 pandemic which is fast spreading in Pakistan and the entire world has made one thing very clear: senior citizens throughout the world are more at risk of fatality than younger people. Therefore, senior citizens must avoid going out as much as possible. It goes without saying that basic necessities are needed by every human being . So how do we keep getting daily /weekly supplies and make payment without going out of the house?


Well, these supplies can be ordered online or via phone. As for payments, these can either be made online with debit / credit card or by a mobile bank account. I think only a few senior citizens are using these technologies which are actually very user friendly. I believe more and more senior citizens should use these technologies which will help them stay home in order to avoid Covid-19. I am a senior citizen and I order either online or call suppliers for all my requirements.

Ejaz Ahmad Magoon

