Lahore Gymkhana Golf Course opens after 55-day lockdown

May 18, 2020

LAHORE: Never in the history of this wonderful Lahore Gymkhana Golf Course has it happened before, a shut down for consecutive 55 days as yearning and craving golfers were denied exercise in the open air and in the process they were left fretful and gloomy.


Somehow the Covid-19 scare asserted itself and authorities refused to listen to rationale that that this golf course has the ability to revive drooping spirits,recruit waning strength and awaken intellect. But then the noble minds in control of the events came out with the soul stirring belief that the rationale put forth by the earnest and ardent golfers was a myth and diligence commanded a complete shut down. And the shut down went on and on until the brotherhood of man prevailed.

Social justice took over and complemented by better sense,a minor miracle triggered a rewarding action and based on an initiative by Dr Jawad Sajid, a heart surgeon by profession and currently Chairman of the club ,the closed doors of the Golf Club were finally opened to enthusiastic golfers subject of course to reasonably well prepared standard operating procedures (SOPs).

These procedures restricted entry only to club members and imposed a minimum ten minutes interval between two tee-offs. Additionally players were advised to carry their own hand sanitizers and ensure that before tee off their golf bags ,trollies and carts were also sanitized. Another essential was the wearing of masks.

First day at the Gymkhana Golf Course was a day of resounding boom .Right from the early morning ,the golfers traffic was continuous and noticeable was the presence of the young ones, the middle aged ones and of course golfers who fall in the bracket of sixty years and above and even those well over seventy.
