JI rejects new curriculum

By Our Correspondent
February 11, 2020

LAHORE :Jamaat-e-Islami has rejected the new curriculum for schools and colleges that was prepared by National Curriculum Council to replace the existing syllabi, terming it against the teachings of Islam and Pakistan’s Constitution.


If the rulers did not desist from attempts to secularise the country in the garb of introducing “human values” in the curriculum, the JI would launch a countrywide movement against it and would move court against the rulers, said JI naib ameer Prof Ibrahim Khan while addressing a press conference at Lahore Press Club on Monday. He warned the government against replacing the curricula with the western secular values under a number of pretexts.

He said 99 percent Pakistanis wanted to enforce the system ordained by Allah Almighty and brought by His Messenger, and loved to live their lives as ordered by Quran and Sunnah. He alleged that the committee constituted by the government to replace the curricula comprised of those who lacked even the basic knowledge about Quran and Sunnah. He demanded the government fulfill its electoral promise of uniform education system and syllabi in the country. He said Article 251 of the Constitution demands Urdu language to replace the colonial English as official language and medium of instructions, but the government was violating those articles. He demanded that Urdu must be enforced as medium of instructions and examination of Civil Superior Services, proceedings of judiciary and parliament. To a question, he said, the removal of Islamic chapters from the syllabi was among the demands of IMF, WB and other donor agencies.
