Remembering Insha

January 12, 2020

Sher Muhammad Khan better known as Ibn-e-Insha was born on June 15, 1927 in Phillaur, Jalandhar. After Partition he first moved to Lahore and did his bachelors from Punjab University, before shifting to Karachi and completing his MA at Karachi University. His poetry and Urdu columns made him instantly famous. He was associated with several governmental institutions including: Radio Pakistan and the Ministry of Culture. This opened a window of opportunity for him to travel around the globe and write travelogues of these journeys. These writings were warmly received and numerous editions of his books were published. His epic poem ‘Insha je utho ub kooch kro’ is an all time hit.


Ibn-e-Insha holds an esteemed place among Urdu writers receiving much praise for his humane character and charity work. His half-humorous half-serious style won him accolades from Urdu readers around the world. In his late forties he suffered from Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and passed away on January 11, 1978, the same year he was awarded the Pride of Performance award by the President of Pakistan.

Iftikhar Mirza

