Session on medicinal herbs

By Afshan S. Khan
January 10, 2020

Rawalpindi : The Association of Business, Professional and Agricultural Women (ABP&AW) held an informative session on using locally grown herbs for medicinal purposes at the Rawalpindi Gymkhana. This highly informative session was attended by about 25 members. The session was conducted by Fauzia Hashmi, an expert gardener and local herb and specialist in locally grown herbs.


The speaker enthralled the audience with her wealth of knowledge in the specific field of herbs, plants and trees that can be utilised fully for their medicinal benefits. The audience fully participated with their questions and it was heartening to see their enthusiasm with the subject. The interactive session also provided the audience with an opportunity to identify and taste the herbs growing in pots, which were presented while additional printed information was also distributed to the audience members to ensure comprehensive awareness. The event was truly a testament to the bounties of nature we are blessed with but seldom understand and appreciate their full abundance.

Towards the end of the programme free gifts of seedlings and fresh and dried herbs by the ‘Organic Edible Gardening’ were given to the audience members.

On the occasion lively stalls of jewellery, clothes and plants were also put up by some budding entrepreneurs of ABP&AW

In addition, members and friends of the association displayed their crafts comprising clothes and jewelry. Of these budding entrepreneurs, Rabia Ahmed showcased her beautiful display of ethnic, colorful and semi-precious jewelry as part of her initiative ‘Haar Kabootar.’ After the session concluded, interested ladies made a beeline to take a look at the merchandise the entrepreneurial women had displayed. This was followed by a sumptuous spread, perfectly capping the event.

Gatherings such as these provide a platform to strengthen the social fabric of the community by providing women with avenues to come together and share useful information and interact with like-minded individuals.
