Rise above

November 13, 2019

The present tussle for power between government and opposition parties seems to be most undesirable and a threat to peace. Politicians, whose oath and primary responsibility includes allegiance to ‘democracy’, are undermined by the display of unconstitutional behaviour. One does not object to the right of protest of any party and /or person, but it is expected of the politicians that they shall not misuse such right for their personal gains. Our nation cannot forget that hollow promises neither benefited the downtrodden segment of society in the past, nor can they be fruitful now.


Pakistan, presently at the brink of a quagmire, cannot afford political unrest which may result in further instability. The prevailing circumstances demand sanity and political maturity from our leaders to shun their personal prejudices, and forget and forgive each other in the best national interest. It is time our leaders forged unity and moved forward to revive the economy without which neither can democracy flourish, nor inflation and poverty curbed. The sarcastic exchange of words between politicians, which often includes abuses and threats, needs to stop immediately. One hopes that our politicians may derive some wisdom from the wise words of Francis Bacon: In taking revenge a man is but equal to his enemy, but in passing it over he is his superior.

Raja ShafaatUllah

