Alarming changes

July 11, 2019

While addressing a climate meeting in Abu Dhabi, the UN secretary general said that climate-related devastation was striking the planet widely and the world is facing a grave climate emergency. Climate disruption is progressing even faster than the world’s top scientists have predicted. It merits a mention that climate change is faster than the efforts made to combat it. Climate-related devastation such as floods, drought, heatwaves, wildfires and super storms are striking the planet. It is worrying to note that many countries are not even keeping pace with their promises under the Paris Agreement to keep temperatures under a two degrees Celsius rise by the end of this century. According to some estimates, $300 billion will be needed annually by 2030 to help nations deal with climate-related disasters.


In view of the above, there is a strong need of urgent global action to avert a climatic catastrophe and the global chaos.

Khan Faraz

