Modern solutions

July 11, 2019

This refers to the letter “Broken system” (July 9) by Mrs Nasreen Azhar about the ordeal she had to go through trying to get her fingerprints verified, and how even after several visits to the bank and Nadra, she was unable to get her biometrics done. She laments, “Why can the procedure not be made simpler for senior citizens? I am sure many others like me are being similarly harassed. I avoid using cheques because signatures also can change with time, and my hands are not as steady as they used to be. Technology is supposed to facilitate your needs, not make things more difficult.” Many letters have been written on this subject complaining about the difficulties faced by senior citizens in getting their biometrics verified. It is suggested that a special phone line and system be set up, dedicated to handling the technological complaints of senior citizens and to come up with solutions. With every passing year the numbers of senior citizens is growing and they require special handling.


Syed H El-Edroos

