Ailing economy

May 16, 2019

Our economic policy must move forward with key reforms. The government should recognise that the country must improve its infrastructure and system of education. It is high time to cut the red tape in public-sector organisations. The country must end the repeated rehiring of the retired lot who enjoy both absurd salaries and other perks and privileges.


To improve our position in the world economy, it is not enough for the government to consolidate its macroeconomic policy; it also needs to take genuine steps towards better governance. This is not asking for the moon. Most of the reforms do not require new legislation, new institutions or higher spending. What must be done is to cut many of the superfluous items of public expenditure, eliminate the many intricate regulations, and scale down the bureaucracy and technocracy. Improving the infrastructure does not require new massive spending, but better administration, effective cost control, and an end to corruption. Above all, the necessary will and vigour is needed, not rhetoric and repeated speeches of casting allegations and using abusive language both in parliament and out of parliament.

Hashim Abro

