Dangerous ideology

March 27, 2019

The horrific carnage of 50 innocent Muslim worshippers in two mosques in New Zealand was the result of illogical and unreasonable Islamophobia and xenophobia that has been deeply entrenched in the minds of white supremacists across the West.


History shows how this frenzied white-supremacy agenda has inflicted atrocities on humanity on the basis of ethnicity, race, colour, religion and region. This ‘white-supremacy agenda’ has a history of causing mayhem, colonialism and genocide across the globe. This time around again the vicious monster of prejudice and narcissism of white-supremacy seems to have raised its head. It is time the world realised that white-supremacy as an ideology is dangerous and needs to be challenged head-on. Otherwise, its past may be in danger of being repeated.

Zahid Ali Zohri

