What real development is

March 27, 2019

After the redefinition of development by many economists, to one that recognises the importance of non-economic factors, the growth of a society has also been associated with the level of inequality (of all kinds) prevailing in society. More precisely, welfare must not be limited to only providing income to the people so that their basic necessities are met. Real welfare of the people is based on the provision of equal resources to all, and to create more equal and fair distribution of opportunities in a society.


For example, if people are getting enough income to make their basic survival possible but they are deprived of basic education and skills, they would be unable to furnish their skills for social progress in general and for their individual progress in particular. Resultantly, the only way the miseries of the people can be reduced is to not only reduce income inequalities but to eradicate all forms of extreme inequalities by subsidising quality education and skill development for all.

Abdul Basit Bhatti

