‘Watercolorful’ at Mussawir Art Gallery

By Shahab Ansari
March 08, 2019

LAHORE: Mussawir Art Gallery, houses “Watercolorful”, an exhibition featuring 18 masters of watercolor medium on its premises in a local shopping mall on Walton Road today (Friday). According to Ali Sajid, the Curator of this mega happening on the city’s art horizon, “The thought behind the "watercolorful" show is the watercolor medium and different artists throughout Pakistan who have mastered this medium. Watercolor is hypnotic, addictive, its a master medium producing painting effects which no other medium can match, what may appear simple in execution can take years to perfect, only the serious bold and challenging artists are constantly pushing the boundaries of what watercolors can be.


This exhibition will open the door for an audience to have a broader view of various outstanding artists and their narratives reflecting their culture, traditions and styles in watercolors. The exhibition will continue until 18th March.
