Prosperous Pakistan

January 14, 2019

Almost all countries have to go through testing times. But, it does not mean that the country and its people start losing hope and do nothing to improve their socio-economic situation. There are many examples in the world where nations were not only economically backward, but they were also internationally isolated. But, these nations, through the combined and united resolve of their governments not only achieved economic stability, but also improved their global image. Pakistan, too, can achieve economic prosperity and become an important player in the international arena. For all that to happen, the government and citizens have to think and work on the same page. In other words, we all have to make a common resolve that we have to take Pakistan out of the present crisis. The day we start putting national interests first will be the day when Pakistan will begin marching towards a healthier and more prosperous future.


Abdul Samad Samo ( Karachi )
