US citizen hunts markhor in Chitral

By Shah Murad Baig
January 13, 2019

CHITRAL: A US citizen hunted a Kashmir markhor in Toshi game reserve near here, officials said on Saturday.


An official of the Wildlife Department told The News that the markhor was 10-year-old whose horns measured 44 inches.

He said US citizen Christopher had purchased the hunting permit from the Wildlife Department at Rs13 million. He said that the American had also deposited Rs10, 000 for the shooting license.

The official said that out of the permit fee, 80 per cent went to the local community, which was utilised on their collective welfare.

Every year two hunting permits of Kashmir markhor are auctioned for different game sanctuaries in Chitral.

Markhor is a protected species under the law and the Wildlife Department collects between $80,000 and $100,000 for every markhor killed.

The hunting season in the region begins in November and ends in April.

Eighty percent of the money received from the trophy hunting programme goes to local communities which spend it on education, health and other development projects.

The remaining 20 per cent money is deposited in the government exchequer.

Meanwhile, a citizen of New Zealand could not hunt ibex. He made three unsuccessful attempts to shoot it.

The New Zealander had obtained the hunting permit for Rs145,000 and paid Rs10,000 for the shooting license.
