By Ishrat Hyatt
January 01, 2019

‘The News’ wishes its readers a very happy New Year. This year has come to an end and it will take away all the pain and mistakes that have been made. Now you have a brand new beginning to look forward to, so make the most of it. There is something exciting about making new resolutions to better our lives and those of others – a will to do better than the year that has gone. There must be something inside of us that needs to forget the past and start anew, hence a ‘New Year’ for a new beginning. The Romans were the first to realise this and January was named after their god, Janus, who is pictured with two heads, one looking forward, the other back, symbolising the old and the new. Today we look on the New Year as a time of hope and change and a time to make plans for the future.


As we celebrate, let us wish that peace and prosperity are the hallmarks of the year throughout the world, especially in those countries which have suffered conflicts and disasters - particularly the natural disasters that have devastated so many homes and taken such a heavy toll of lives. But life has to go on, so while our hearts go out to those who have been affected, - may God give them strength - let us look forward to a better tomorrow. Here’s a beautiful thought to live by. ‘One day at a time – this is enough. Do not look back and grieve over the past and do not be troubled about the future, for it has yet to come. Live in the present and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering.’
